About me

Hello! 👋

My name is Krzysiek Baranowski, and I believe that many things in life are possible, but you must be persistent. That’s why I strive to seamlessly combine topics related to programming, marketing, and personal branding, so that I can do what brings me joy and satisfaction.
Let's talk!
Do you have any questions for me or a collaboration offer? Please use the email below. I respond to every message.

👉 kontakt@programistabyc.pl

Mobile development and software architecture

I've been involved in mobile app development for almost 8 years. I started my commercial journey in 2016.

I love working with a cross-platform approach, which I discovered through Xamarin Native, the first mobile technology I learned at the beginning of my career.

We've been inseparable ever since. Besides that, I focus on developing applications using Flutter.

Currently, my interests lie in optimal team collaboration and software architecture management.

Knowledge sharing

I still have no idea how it happened, but it gives me incredible satisfaction. As a result, I created this blog and seize opportunities to help others whenever I can.

So far, I’ve had the chance to conduct several training sessions on topics such as the basics of Flutter, Xamarin, and Android using Kotlin.

I also wrote a book (in Polish) with the help of Helion publishing. What’s the topic? The basics of Flutter. For more details, I refer you to the publisher's website below.

Flutter. Podstawy
W księgarni informatycznej Helion znajdziesz: Flutter. Podstawy, autor: Krzysztof Baranowski, wydawnictwo: Helion. Produkt dostepny w formacie: Książka. Pobierz i przeczytaj darmowy fragment.

What more?

I'm Ola's husband, a fan of doing a thousand things at once. Learning presentation skills, testing new libraries in mobile apps, application architecture, solving puzzles 🧩, paint-by-numbers, or reading books on completely diverse topics are just the tip of the iceberg.